Create Datenfeed

Manual Generation

For testing purposes or for quickly and one-time generation of the data feed, you have the option in the app settings to generate the data feed using the "Generate Data Feed Now" button. After successful generation of the data feed, you will receive the familiar Shopware message on the right side of the Shopware administration.

In this message, you will receive information about how many shops and articles were processed. The message may look like this:

Additionally, links to the generated feeds and each sales channel are provided underneath to quickly and easily access them.

Cronjob/Scheduled Task

Upon installation of the app, a scheduled task is already created and executed. The task name is: bst_insta_shopping.export_task

These scheduled tasks are not equivalent to a time-controlled cronjob, as was the case in Shopware 5. Instead, the tasks are processed when the shop owner is in the admin area or performs actions.

Since the data feeds should ideally be retrieved by Facebook according to a specified schedule, they should also be up-to-date at the corresponding time. To ensure this, the following steps are necessary:

Disable Admin Worker

Follow the steps described here.

Set Up General Shopware Cronjobs

Set up 2 cronjobs on your hosting/server to regularly execute the scheduled tasks.

Example for a cron job executed every 5 minutes (Note: Depending on hosting, there may be limitations)

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /pfad/zum/shopware/root/bin/console messenger:consume default --time-limit=60 --memory-limit=512M > /dev/null 2>&1 
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /pfad/zum/shopware/root/bin/console scheduled-task:run --time-limit=60 --memory-limit=512M > /dev/null 2>&1

Load and Install App for Managing Scheduled Tasks

Use the Cron Manager for Shopware 6 (Scheduled Task Control) app for easy task management via the Shopware admin. You can find it in the Shopware Store at the following link:

Once you have installed and activated the app, you only need one cron job instead of the 2 mentioned above. Set up the cron job as follows:

*/5	*	*	*	*	/usr/local/bin/php /pfad/zum/shopware/root/bin/console system:cronmanager:watch --time-limit=60 --memory-limit=512M > /dev/null 2>&1

Set Up Time Process

Control the timing process using the Cron Manager under Settings - System - Cron Manager. Select the job with the name bst_insta_shopping.export_task

In the detailed view of the job, you can set the next execution time and the interval for job execution.

If the date of the last execution is empty, the general Shopware cron job is probably not set up correctly.

Data Feed URL

Depending on the information you provided in the app configuration (Export Path and File Name fields), you can find the feed at the following URL. Here is the URL with default settings for German and English languages:


Limit Data Volume / Export Only Selected Items

If you only want to transfer a selection of products to Facebook rather than the entire product range, you can bundle them in a new sales channel, e.g., Facebook. You can create a separate data feed for each sales channel. To do this, select the desired sales channel in the app configuration and configure it as described above.

Last updated